Friday, August 13, 2010

Visiting with Gram

While watching the 5 o'clock news...

Grandmom:  What is wrong with that woman's face?

Me:  Which one?

Grandmom:  The newscaster trying to hard to look young.  Her face is too tight.

Me:  Oh, that one... yup, you're right.

Grandmom: I'm always right, thats why I'm the cute one.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

On St. Patrick's Day...

Me:  Happy St. Patrick's day, Grandmom!!!  Are you making anything special today.

Grandmom:  Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Yes, I'm making ham and cabbage.

Me:  I made some Soda Bread that was very tasty.

Grandmom:  Very good.  You know that you're part Irish, right?

Me:  Ummmm.... yeah.

Grandmom:  Ok, just checking to make sure you remembered.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

At dinner

Grandmom:  (after tasting my glass of Glenlivet):  How do you drink this? This tastes like paint thinner.  You should drink Gin.